
Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan New Preferential Policies Implemented

New preferential rules for the ticket prices have been implemented for vulnerable or other special groups since the fist day of 2013 in Zhangjiajie Wuingyuan Resort.

According to the newly issued rules, people as follow have a right of free visiting in natural-landscape-viewing and custom-and-culture-viewing scenic spots:

1. Children under or with the height of 1.3 meters;

2. Solders on serving;

3. The disabled;

4. People at the age of 70 or over;

For tourists as follow, vehicles in the resort are free:

Children under or with the height of 1.3 meters;

For tourists as follow, travel cultural show is free but without seats:

Children under or with the height of 1.3 meters;

Besides, people as follow have a right of enjoying concerning discount for tickets of access to the resort, of vehicles in the resort and access to other scenic spots for rest with valid documentations:

1. Teenagers under the age of 18;

2. Full-time students under the age of 24 on bachelor study in universities and from other lower education institutions;

3. Old people between 60 and 70;

4. Solders on serving (military officers, civilian personnels and noncommissioned officers);

5. Retired military cadres;

6. Lineal family members of military martyr;

7. People with a Certificate of Government Minimum Living Allowance for Rural and Urban Residents;

Translated by Vincent Chou