Zhangjiajie Huanglong Cave & Baofeng Lake will Rise in Ticket Prices in Coming 2013

Though faced with a lot of dispute, it seems that the inflation policy of several famous Hunan scenic spots is on the track. Consequently, if you want to enjoy the beautiful sceneries in 2013, more money is meant to pay for the entrance tickets.

Knowing from the Hunan Price Bureau, Tianxin Pavilion (Changsha City), vehicles offering to visitors (Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan core scenic spots),Yellow Dragon Cave,Baofeng Lake and Dehang Scenic Spot (western Hunan) will put up their price after the New Year’s Day. Among all, Tianxin Pavilion will increase the most, hitting 100%. And Dehang Scenic Spot will increase from 60 yuan to 100 yuan. Comparatively speaking, Zhangjiajie will usher the smallest amount of increase.

Translated by Becky