
Hunan Xiangxi Titled "National Forest City"

Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture was titled "national forest city", announced at the 2018 national forest city construction meeting held in Shenzhen on Oct. 15. It is the first among the 30 autonomous prefectures of China.

Xiangxi boasts miraculous natural landscape, profound historic culture, unique national customs, and abundant natural resources and products. Chinese President Xi Jinping firstly put forward the important "targeted poverty alleviation" thought here. It is a pioneer in Wuling Mountain area in regional development and poverty relief; a crucial ecological shield for the Yangtze River Economic Belt; and, a national pilot area for cultural and ecological protection.

Guided by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Xiangxi thoroughly practiced President Xi's call for building ecological civilization, and gives priority to ecological and green development. It passed the national forest city examinations in terms of all the 40 criterions. Its forest coverage (70.24%), and greening rate on paths (83%) and waters' sides (86.11%) are above the standards. The number of "good air" days reaches more than 325 days annually. The ecological, economic, and social benefits from forests have been seen. Xiangxi has been well-known domestically and globally as a beautiful, healthy and livable place, and a wonderful tourist destination.

Translator: Pang Yuehui

Chinese source: hn.xinhuanet.com