
Zhangjiajie:Hunan's First Protected Eco-origin Product Demonstration City

The review meeting on Zhangjiajie national demonstration zone for protected eco-origin product (PEOP) was held on Sept. 9, 2017. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Assessment Group announced that Zhangjiajie passed on-site evaluation. It marked that Zhangjiajie becomes the first national PEOP demonstration city in Hunan Province.   

Zhangjiajie City boasts six well-known titles of "China's first batch of World Natural Heritage Sites", "first batch of world geological parks", "'Zhangjiajie landscape’ origin", "China's first national forest park", "first batch of national 5A-level scenic spots", and "national civilized scenic area". Its rich natural endowment of resources nurture various products.   

It was said that exploration, protection, and utilization of these eco-origin products, and establishing the demonstration city in Hunan, are crucial to build Zhangjiajie into the "Splendid Xiaoxiang" all-for-one travel center. These will play a leading role in promoting Zhangjiajie’s ecological civilization and green development.   

A batch of high quality eco-origin products will be explored and protected while developing the demonstration city. With these efforts, the supply-side structural reform in travel consumer market will be implemented; consumers satisfied; and, high-end market expanded at home and abroad.