The picturesque Orange Isle ushered in a group of overseas students on May 10. The group posed and took pictures in front of the Two-Oriented-Society exhibition hall of the CZT City Cluster, shouting the slogan “resource-conserving, environmental-friendly and low-carbon lifestyle, Go, Hunan” after a visit to the hall. Coming from over 20 countries and studying at Beijing Language and Culture University, the 61 overseas students are the first delegation of its kind who visited the hall.
As the first hall among its national peers dedicated to “Two-oriented” Society construction, it has been an eye catcher for the state leaders and the whole society since its opening.
As the window of comprehending Hunan's sustainable development, the exhibition hall echoes well to practice. “I would dig further into sustainable development after the visit”, told a Russian student, Elena.
Translator: Zhou Qiong
Source: Hunan Official Web Portal