
Chinese American writer caifeng group felt amazing about Zhangjiajie

On November 5th, Chinese writer CaiFeng group led by United States entered Zhangjiajie Yang Gujie tour scenic spot. It is understood that the tour was invited by Hunan provincial people’s government information office, Chinese American writer CaiFeng group made a special trip to Hunan tour inspection. The last stop was Zhangjiajie.

On the same day, the weather was clear in Yang Gujie scenic attraction. CaiFeng group members from Yang Gujie cableway station took a cable car up hill to the Great Wall viewing deck. The people in the spacious observation deck, can overlook beautiful wall panoramic view, majestic stone, and rows of mountainous layer of love and beauty. At the Great Wall Observation deck for a long time, CaiFeng group were reluctant to go to the next station to enjoy the mountains.

It is understood that Yang Gujie is the last virgin land. Its name is closely related to the famous Yang warrior legend, so a lot of place names, such as “Six LangWan”, “Seven LangWan”, and “Tian BoFu” associations.

Yang Gujie Oolong village has beautiful scenery, is the most beautiful lines in Zhangjiajie adventure travel. Entering the oolong village, visitors shall cover four difficult roads, or drill holes, or seam along the cliff, or from the precipice rock road side, very exciting. Having attained the Oolong village, CaiFeng group members has been exhausted, afraid to go up the stairs.

According to the relevant person in charge of a tour group, Yang Gujie scenic spots such as oolong village, sky-wave mansion are formidable difficult line, the space is limited. For the convenience of visitors from different perspective to appreciate the peak wall wonders, Zhangjiajie plans to build a path to “Sky”, with four different forms of bridges to connect the scenic spot.

Translated by Sophia