
2016 China (Hunan) Red Travel Festival Slated for November

The 2016 China (Hunan) Red Tourism Festival will take place in Ningxiang County from November 13 to 17. During the festival, a series of promotional activities will be held to boost red travel cooperation between China and Russia. 

The event was co-hosted by the Office of Red Tourism Coordination Group of China National Tourism Administration, Hunan Provincial Bureau of Tourism, the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Hunan Province, and Changsha Municipal People’s Government. 

Eight theme activities will be organized, including the opening ceremony, the China-Russia red travel promotion conference, self-driving travel on tracing stories of Liu Shaoqi’s overseas study from Huaminglou to Moscow, a large-scale photography exhibition on the Yangtze and Volga River, and inspection tours to Huitang hotspring resort, and those historical sites with a revolutionary legacy. 

A range of cooperative agreements on travel will be signed between Hunan Provincial Bureau of Tourism and related states of Russia. 18 national key cities on promoting red travel such as Hunan’s Shaoshan and Jiangxi’s Jinggangshan will announce the establishment of National Red Tourism Innovative Development Urban League, and join hands to develop red travel routes.

Translator: Xiao Juan 

Source: Hunan Official Web Portal